Ciona intestinalis

(Linnaeus, 1767)


External appearance
Solitary. Body nearly cylindrical, reaching up to 100-150 mm. Test soft, gelatinous, transparent and contractile, coloured pale yellow-green, with five longitudinal muscle bands clearly visible in the mantle on each side.

Oral siphon terminal, with 8 marginal lobes; atrial siphon 6-lobed and located close to the oral siphon. Both siphons bear bright yellow margins and small red ocelli between the lobes .
About 70 simple branchial tentacles of variable size. The branchial sac is narrow; with numerous rows of straight stigmata; no folds; with inner longitudinal vessels and papillae at the intersection with the transverse vessels. Gut loop posterior to branchial sac; stomach distinct, smooth, located on the right side of the body. Gonads on the left side in the gut loop (C. intestinalis morphology, C. intestinalis ocelli).

Attached to hard substrata; from shallow water to depths of 1000 metres.

Generally found in many parts of the world.